Saturday, March 14, 2009

Meeting Minutes March 2, 2009 Meeting

Members in attendance: Essie, Sandy, Molly, Eliot, Rob, David P, Mark R, George, David S, Paul 

Honored guests: J.P., Nick, Dave J (previous member of other clubs), and Mark H (former member of Gopher club). Both to those who visited us for the first time and to those who have returned to visit us, we in Gopher Toastmasters say thanks very much for your interest and participation in our meeting. We look forward to seeing you again.

Sandy served as business chair.

Essie served as timekeeper / grammarian and provided the word of the day: "serendipity."

Dave S served as Table Topics master. Essie answered a question on how to help the economy recover. George answered a question on where he'd like to go on vacation. Molly answered a question on President Obama's Blackberry and related security concerns.

Following the reporting of the minutes from the last meeting, honored guest Dave J recommended that the club's web site should indicate where in the Hennepin Center for the Arts our meetings are held, specifically the 5th floor.

Officers' reports:
* Treasurer Molly noted that our bank balance is $273, and that dues are due in April.

* Education VP Essie reported not having heard from Meetup about the proposal for our club to share a membership there with another Toastmasters club that already has a membership. At this point we have to assume that the joint membership will not happen. Question for the club: would we want a membership of our own (estimated cost $72 for 6 months)?

* President George reported placing a copy of the obituary for former member David Pieper on the club's web site. Regarding the club site's link to the District 6 web site, George noted that most of the events currently posted by the District 6 site are outside of the metro area. George warned that any links placed in e-mails to the "gophertm" distribution list might get "eaten."

New business--
* Molly proposed having binders of information on officer duties. There was further discussion on what the information packets could contain, and how we gather the information. Mark R made a motion that each officer should bring to the next meeting (16th of March) some outline of content for the information packet / binder. The motion was passed for a call to question (vote). The vote was affirmative.

* We discussed the options for the meeting on the 20th of April, which is the next time there will be a conflict between our meeting and some other group's quarterly meeting that occupies the room until 7:30 pm. There was a motion to start our meeting at 7:30 that evening. The motion was passed for a call to question (vote). The vote was affirmative: we will start that meeting at 7:30, and will issue a notice to that effect.

This ended the business portion of the meeting. We took a break then went on to the speech portion of the meeting.

Molly served as Toastmaster. There were two speeches this evening.

Rob gave a speech on the history of the Gopher club. David P gave the spoken evaluation.

Honored guest Dave J gave a speech on public transit funding. This speech was in preparation for the presentation he would make at the Government Center on Wednesday the 4th. The speech was also in fulfillment of the "Persuade with Power" project in the Competent Communication manual. George gave the spoken evaluation.

Eliot served as master evaluator.

The vote for outstanding speaker of the evening was a tie!

* Opportunity to hone speaking skills or at least check out other speakers: the meeting of the West Side Speakers' Club on Saturday the 14th of March, at the Uptown Lund's, start time 8:30 or 9 am. (More details at our web site, or district web site, or by e-mail?)
* Essie is having work published in a "Scandinavian Sewing" publication. More info is in her Facebook.
* The memorial service for David Pieper is on Saturday the 7th at 11 a.m. More details, such as location, are in an e-mail being sent by Molly.

Paul closed the meeting as the jester.

The next meeting is on Monday the 16th of March, at 7 pm, Hennepin Center for the Arts (528 Hennepin), 5th floor.

Finally, the Gopher Toastmasters club offers condolences to the loved ones of our former member, David Pieper. Our thoughts of David are filled with gratitude and fond memories.

Respectfully submitted,
Paul Lubinski

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