Saturday, February 28, 2009

Obituary of David Pieper, Past President of Club 183.

Obituaries and guestbooks from Minneapolis, St. Paul and around Minnesota |

David Pieper Guestbook

Hello Gopher Toastmaster's,
George Rosar thought you would like to take a moment to visit and sign the Guest Book for David Wayne Pieper.

David Pieper was a past president of Gopher Toastmaster's Club 183.

Visit David Wayne Pieper's Guest Book, here.
Go to now. ®

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Mission of the Club

The mission of a Toastmasters Club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy 68 Birthday Gopher Toastmasters

Not only will we be celebrating the President's day at our meeting on Monday February 16, 7PM at the Hennepin Center for the Arts (528 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis MN) but we will also be celebrating the 68th anniversary of the Toastmaster's club. To celebrate, George will be bringing in treats.

Distirct 6 TELI

Five of the officers, Mark B., Sandy, Molly, Paul and George (me) attended the District 6 Toastmasters Education and Leadership Institute Training on February 13. I would personally like to thank all of the officers who took the time to get up early on Saturday morning on Valentine's day to attend the training. Paul, Sandy and George carpooled in and thanks to Paul's directions we got there in record time.

I usually like to think that I am pretty frugal with my money but this training was a real bargain, and I was able to drink at least my $5 worth of Hotel Coffee.

We broke off into separate groups for officer training and then had our choice of three breakout seminars the following hour and two breakout seminars the third hour and then we were all present for the Building a Champion Club, by Lance Miller, the 2005 World Champion of Public speaking winner.

I hope the other officers found this speech and the other seminars to be as inspirational as I did.